CN 41-1243/TG ISSN 1006-852X

2023 Vol. 43, No. 5

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Preparation and growth mechanism of ultra-thin free-standing polycrystalline diamond film based on glass carbon substrate
XIONG Xiao, WANG Bing, XIONG Ying, WU Guodong
2023, 43(5): 531-536. doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2023.0005
Abstract(1003) HTML (388) PDF 2487KB(157)

[Objective] Diamond films have been widely used in many fields such as semiconductor devices, optical windows, biomedical applications, heat sink, and mechanical tooling. High quality diamond films need be completely peeled off from the substrate surface for subsequent processing. However, there are still significant challenges in achieving the complete detachment of films. In this paper, a free-standing ultra-thin diamond film with a thickness of about 10 μm and high purity was fabricated using the microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition (MPCVD) method on a glass carbon substrate.

[Method] Three types of substrates, namely titanium (Ti), silicon (Si) and glass carbon, were selected for the fabrication of ultra-thin polycrystalline diamond films using MPCVD with a CH4-H2 mixture as the precursor. The pretreatment for nucleation involved mechanical polishing, followed by ultrasonic vibration-assisted machining with a suspension of diamond microns. The pre-treated substrates were thoroughly cleaned and placed in the MPCVD deposition chamber for growing diamond films under the following conditions: microwave power 5.4 kW, hydrogen (99.99999%) flow rate of 200 sccm, methane (99.99999%) flow rate of 10 sccm, substrate temperature of 870 ℃, chamber pressure of 17.5 kPa, and deposition time of 180 min. SEM, Raman spectrometer and surface profilometer were used to the characterize the overall morphology, surface and cross-sectional surface topography, phase composition, and stresses of the thin diamond films deposited on the three different substrates.

[Results] It was found that the ultra-thin free-standing diamond films grown on the glass carbon substrates were relatively intact with a smooth surface and minimal warping. SEM images revealed that the crystal shapes of all the three diamond films were distinct with tightly bonded grains. The surface topography of the films grown on Ti and Si substrates was similar, both with octahedral surface grains and (111) preferentially oriented crystal plane. In contrast, the grains of diamond films grown on glass carbon substrate (GCD) were mainly cubic, showing a preferential orientation along the (100) crystal plane. Raman spectra of diamond films on different substrates showed strong and sharp characteristic peaks of diamond, indicating high purity and complete crystal structures in all three films. Further analysis of the shift (Δh) between intrinsic peak and characterized Raman peaks revealed that the residual stress in GCD was minimal and predominantly compressive, effectively preventing the occurrence of cracks or fractures in the film and ensuring the integrity of the free-standing films. Conversely, Ti-based diamond films experienced the largest residual stress due to significant differences in their thermal expansion coefficients, which inevitably ld to larger thermal stresses between the diamond film and Ti substrate during cooling. Glassy carbon and diamond had similar thermal expansion coefficients, resulting in smaller thermal stresses during cooling, which was beneficial for the integrity of the free-standing film.

SEM images of the glassy carbon substrate surface before and after growth showed that the surface of the glassy carbon substrate was originally smooth and flat, with a surface roughness of Ra=3.2 nm as measured by a step profiler. Due to the etching effect of H plasma on non-diamond carbon, sand dune-like undulations appeared on the surface of the glassy carbon after the film growth, with a surface roughness of Ra=431.6 nm. This surface morphology weakened the interfacial bonding strength between the diamond film and the substrate, creating a gap between the film material and the substrate. Moreover, as the glassy carbon substrate continued to be etched during the deposition process and the gap widened, the bonding strength at the film-substrate interface would be further weakened. From the SEM images of the substrate surface at different depositing times in the early stages of growth, it was inferred that the process of growing free-standing diamond films on glassy carbon substrates proceeded as follows: during the nucleation stage, carbon-containing precursors formed island-like nuclei on the substrate surface, while the glassy carbon substrate surface was exposed to an H plasma atmosphere and etched into sand dunes. The island-like nuclei then grew into a complete diamond film through an island growth mode.

[Conclusion] Glassy carbon can be effectively used as a substrate to prepare ultra-thin, high-purity free-standing diamond films with a thickness of approximately 10 μm using the MPCVD method. The mechanism for achieving one-step growth and self-supporting peeling of the ultra-thin diamond film is mainly through the etching of the glassy carbon substrate by hydrogen plasma to weaken the interfacial bonding force, ultimately achieving self-peeling. At the same time, the low residual stress of the film material itself ensures the integrity of the film. Choosing glassy carbon as the substrate represents an effective technical approach for meeting the preparation requirements of ultra-thin free-standing diamond films.

Interfacial diffusion in TiN0.3/AlN composite
ZOU Qin, SUN Junrong, LI Yanguo, LUO Yong`an
2023, 43(5): 537-545. doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2022.0222
Abstract(477) HTML (229) PDF 3734KB(80)
In recent years, extensive research has been conducted on nano-multilayer films of TiN/AlN system. However, there are few reports on its bulk composites. In this study, non-stoichiometric TiN0.3 was prepared by mechanical alloying, then TiN0.3/AlN composites were fabricated through spark plasma sintering (SPS) utilizing both layered and mixed sintering techniques. The phase composition, element distribution and microstructure of TiN0.3/AlN composites were characterized by metallography, XRD, SEM, EDS and TEM, to study the diffusion of N atoms in the interface region of TiN0.3/AlN composites. The results show that N in AlN diffuses into TiN0.3 through a vacancy diffusion mechanism, The area of TiN0.3 in contact with AlN absorbs N from AlN to make the composition close to the normal proportion of TiN, while the area "far away" from the interface is close to the component of TiN0.3, and its diffusion degree weakens gradually. In the two-phase bonding region, there is a thin amorphous layer whose width is less than 1 nm. The electron diffraction pattern elongates longitudinally and produces coherent lattice. The AlN lattice of hexagonal structure is distorted to TiN lattice, forming TiN0.3/AlN with a face-centered cubic structure.
Influence of hot-pressed sintering temperature on properties of SiCp/Al composites
CAI Jianing, LE Chen, FAN Zimin, LI Xin, TANG Mingqiang, ZHAO Fang
2023, 43(5): 546-552. doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2022.0105
Abstract(599) HTML (296) PDF 2630KB(94)
SiCp/Al composites were prepared by hot-pressing sintering method, and the effect of sintering temperature on the properties of the composites was studied. The phase compositions, relative density, mechanical properties and micro morphology of the composite samples were analyzed through X-ray diffraction, Archimedes drainage method, the three-point bending method and scanning electron microscope. Additionally, the thermal conductivity and thermal expansion coefficient were measured. The results show that SiCp/Al composites are composed of SiC, Al and Mg2Si phases. The addition of Mg improves the wettability between the matrix and SiC particles. With the increase of sintering temperature, the hardness and bending strength of the composites first increase and then decrease, reaching the maximum values of 98 HRB and 275 MPa at 700 ℃, respectively. The thermal conductivity of the composites first increases and then decreases, and the thermal expansion coefficient first decreases and then increases, reaching the maximum value of 218.187 W/(m·K) and the minimum value of 8.6 × 10−6 K−1 at 700 ℃, respectively.
Research status on rock-breaking mechanism and performance testing methods of PDC bit cutters
LI Yancao
2023, 43(5): 553-567. doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2023.0155
Abstract(921) HTML (290) PDF 5230KB(94)
Polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) drill bits are one of the main rock breaking tools in drilling engineering. The performance indexes, such as rock breaking efficiency, wear resistance, thermal stability and impact resistance of PDC bit cutters, have great influence on the application effect of PDC bits. Consequently, relevant research has attracted much attention at home and abroad. This article summarizes the representative achievements of experimental devices and testing methods related to the rock breaking mechanism and performance testing of PDC bit cutters at home and abroad. Based on the interaction between PDC bit cutters and rock, the relevant experiments can be broadly categorized into five types: PDC bit cutters linear cutting experiments, rotary cutting experiments, drop hammer impact experiments, PDC bit single cutter hydrostatic experiments, and full-scale PDC bit experiments. According to the testing purpose, these experiments can be further divided into two categories: rock breaking mechanism and performance testing of PDC bit teeth. The advantages and disadvantages of these experimental studies are investigated and analyzed to provide references for research, optimization of PDC bit teeth, and the overall personalized design of PDC bits.
Microstructure and mechanical properties of bonding interface for CBN superabrasive tool using ultrasonic vibration-assisted brazing method
CAI Kaida, ZHAO Biao, WU Bangfu, DING Wenfeng, XU Jiuhua, ZHAO Zhengcai, WEN Xuebing, LI Shaopeng, CHEN Qingliang
2023, 43(5): 568-578. doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2022.0190
Abstract(632) HTML (263) PDF 4670KB(71)
Single-layer brazed cubic boron nitride (CBN) abrasive tools exhibit numerious advantages, such as high abrasive bonding strength, a large chip storage space, and good sharpness, and have been widely used to machine various difficult-to-cut materials in the aerospace field. However, the problems have to be faced, including uneven filler layer thickness, numerous pores inside the interface area, resulting in a significant reduction in bonding strength between the bonding alloys and the abrasive, and the eventual service life reduction of tools. In this paper, ultrasonic vibration-assisted brazing is proposed to improve the bonding strength of abrasive grains. Results show that for ultrasonic vibration-assisted brazing, the filler alloy spreads more evenly, and the size of internal pores is smaller. In particular, the number of pores in the same area is reduced by 75%, and the shear force of a single CBN abrasive is increased by 27.7%. After the grinding trials with Ti-6Al-4V alloys using brazed CBN tools, the normal and tangential grinding forces are reduced by 4.1%~19.6% and 8.3%~26.4%, respectively, as well as the declination of the grinding temperature by 5.3%~17.9% once employing ultrasonic vibrations into induction brazing processes. Additionally, the ultrasonic vibration-assisted brazed tools show a significant reduction in large-block breakage at the same material removal volume, indicating the more excellent wear-resistance ability and longer service life of the tools.
Effect of WC on microstructure and properties of induction brazing diamond coating
WU Qilong, DONG Xian, ZHANG Lei, ZHONG Sujuan, CHEN Zhiqiang, JIA Lianhui, LUO Lingjie
2023, 43(5): 579-585. doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2022.0205
Abstract(493) HTML (241) PDF 4750KB(35)
The diamond coating was prepared on Q235 steel by adding WC micro-powder to a nickel-based filler metal during induction brazing. The effects of WC powder on the microstructure and wear resistance of the diamond coating were studied. The microstructure and wear resistance of the diamond coating were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, energy spectrum, microhardness and wear loss tests. The results show that during the brazing process, diamond and WC micro-powder form metallurgical bonds with the nickel-based brazing alloy. The WC particles contribute to dispersion strengthening and fine-grain strengthening effects in the nickel-based matrix. The Rockwell hardness of the brazing alloy with a mass fraction of 10% WC increases by 7.5% compared to that without WC. Under identical wear experimental conditions, the mass loss of the diamond coating without added WC micro-powder was 0.196 g, while the mass loss of the coating with WC micro-powder added was 0.148 g. The wear resistance of the latter increased by 24.5%.
Effect of multi-arc ion plating process on coating performance of cemented carbide PCB milling cutter
YANG Xiaofan, LIN Haiyang, CHEN Yicong, JI Rongjie, SHEN Zhihuang, LI Lingxiang
2023, 43(5): 586-591. doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2022.0123
Abstract(606) HTML (271) PDF 3502KB(23)
The preparation of a high-performance hard coating on the surface of a carbide PCB (Printed Circuit Board) milling cutter can address the issue of rapid tool wear during cutting. In this study, AlCrN single coating, CrN/AlCrN composite coating and AlCrSiN/AlCrN composite coating were prepared on YG06 cemented carbide specimens and PCB milling cutter substrates by a multi-arc ion plating process, respectively. The mechanical properties and morphological characteristics of the three coatings were observed and analyzed using an indenter and a scanning electron microscope. The above three coated milling cutters were tested under the same conditions, and the coating performance and the tool wear mechanism were compared and analyzed. The results show that the coatings prepared by the above three processes exhibit good film-base adhesion, with the AlCrSiN/AlCrN composite coating milling cutter having the longest service life — approximately 1.5 times that of the CrN/AlCrN coating milling cutter and 1.9 times that of the AlCrN single coating milling cutter. The AlCrSiN/AlCrN composite coating demonstrates the best compactness and surface quality, making it more suitable for high-speed machining of PCB (IT158 copper-clad laminate).
Elastic performance prediction and 3D drilling simulation of PW-CFRP
ZHOU Qiang, CHEN Yan, WANG Xiaoyu, ZHANG Chuanchuan, CHEN Xuemei, LIU Yuanji, CHEN Qingliang, GOU Jiangyang
2023, 43(5): 592-603. doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2022.0177
Abstract(626) HTML (294) PDF 4482KB(33)
Plain-woven carbon fiber-reinforced plastic (PW-CFRP) exhibits high damage tolerance and is widely used in the aerospace field. To address the issue that single-scale drilling simulation is difficult to reflect the practical drilling force due to the change in material elastic properties in PW-CFRP drilling simulation, this paper studies the prediction of elastic properties of PW-CFRP and multi-scale three-dimensional drilling simulation. Based on the prediction model of elastic performance parameters with periodic boundary conditions, the three-dimensional drilling simulation of PW-CFRP is carried out using the predicted material elastic performance parameters and the multi-scale finite element method, with experimental verification. The results show that the finite element method based on periodic boundary conditions can accurately predict the elastic constants of braided composites. For the woven unit cell, its boundary surface changes from plane to surface under shear load, and convex-concave warping deformation occurs. The PW-CFRP three-dimensional drilling simulation model, based on the stiffness prediction model, can accurately predict the axial force and torque during the drilling process. Under the same process parameters, the maximum relative errors between the simulation prediction and the experimental results of the drilling thrust force and torque are 14.2% and 8.5%, respectively. The multi-scale drilling simulation of PW-CFRP, from microscopic to mesoscopic to macroscopic, is realized.
Effect of Si3N4 substrate surface roughness on the wear resistance of diamond film prepared by HFCVD
WANG He, WEN Kaixiang, YAN Guangyu, WANG Yanxiang, JIN Yifan, SU Peichen
2023, 43(5): 604-611. doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2022.0184
Abstract(753) HTML (368) PDF 3982KB(41)

[OBJECTIVES] Silicon nitride engineering ceramic materials are widely used in microelectronics and wear-resistant components due to their excellent physicochemical properties and mechanical stability under severe working conditions. However, silicon nitride ceramics suffer from brittleness, poor plastic deformation, and a tendency for brittle fracture, which limits their reliability in components for reducing wear and enhancing resistance. With the development of CVD technology, diamond-coated silicon nitride materials show great potential for wide application. Research indicates that the substrate surface roughness affects the properties of diamond films. In this study, diamond films were prepared by HFCVD with silicon nitride ceramic substrates of varying roughness to investigate the effect of substrate surface roughness on the tribological properties of diamond films.

[METHODS] The silicon nitride ceramic substrates were ground to various surface roughness levels using diamond grinding pastes of different grain sizes. After pretreatment by ultrasonic cleaning, a diamond suspension was used for crystal seeding on the surface to increase the nucleation density of diamonds. Thin film deposition was then carried out on the surface of the processed silicon nitride ceramic substrate using parameters of 1% methane concentration, 1KPa chamber pressure, and a substrate temperature of 2500±10 ℃. This process yielded micrometer-scale diamond thin films (MCD) on the surface of the silicon nitride ceramic substrate with different surface roughness. The surface morphology was characterized using a scanning electron microscope and an atomic force microscope. The quality and rate of grain growth in the diamond films on substrates of different roughness were analyzed to assess the influence of surface roughness on film growth. The physical phase composition of diamond films on substrates with varying roughness was characterized by Raman spectrometer. The bond strength between the diamond films and the silicon nitride ceramic substrates with different roughness was characterized by using an Anton Paar scratch meter microscopic combination viewer (MCT3) and an ultra-deep field microscope. The critical loads Lc1 and Lc2—corresponding to the onset of semicircular cracks within the film scratches and the appearance of adhesion failure-type debris at the scratch edges, respectively—were determined through acoustic emission, load-friction curves, and examination of the scratch surface morphology. This analysis also explored the fracture mechanisms of the films and the effect of substrate surface roughness on the film-substrate bonding strength. Tribological properties of the diamond films were investigated using a "ball-on-disk" reciprocating friction and wear tester, with silicon nitride ceramic balls as the counter-body. Scanning electron microscope (SEM), probe-type surface profiler (PSP) and super depth-of-field microscope (DFM) were used to examine the diamond films after abrasion.

[RESULTS] The results showed that: (1) diamond films exhibited the highest growth rate of 0.647 μm/h on substrates with surface roughness of 0.15 μm and 0.20 μm. The density and dimensional homogeneity of diamond grains decreased with the increase of substrate surface roughness due to the influence of the quality of crystallization, and the surface roughness of the diamond films increased with the grain sizes and the substrate roughness. The content of diamond phases in the films gradually increased and the content of trans-polyacetylene and graphite gradually decreased with the increase of substrate surface roughness, particularly notable on substrates with 0.30 μm roughness, where diamond films showed the highest diamond phase content and the least graphite phase, impurities, and grain defects. (2) Diamond films on the substrate with surface roughness of 0.20 μm could withstand the highest load, with critical loads Lc1 and Lc2 being 9.4 N and 11.9 N, respectively.(3) The friction coefficient of diamond film correlated with the roughness of the substrate, the size of the grains and the content of the impurities, with the lowest coefficient of 0.078 observed on substrates with 0.20 μm roughness. The wear rate of diamond films aligned with that of the counter-abrasive, with insufficient film-substrate bonding leading to film detachment and increased wear. High-quality grains and strong film-substrate bonding yielded low wear rates for both diamond films and counter-abrasives, with the lowest wear rate on substrates with 0.20 μm roughness being 1.75x10-7mm3/(m N).

[CONCLUSION] This study shows that the tribological properties of diamond films initially improve and then decline with increasing substrate surface roughness. Notably, micrometer-scale diamond films grown on substrates with a surface roughness of 0.10 to 0.20 μm exhibit superior growth quality and tribological performance.

Influence of crystal anisotropy and process parameters on surface shape deviation of sapphire slicing
WANG Chao, GE Peiqi, He Jikai, WANG Xinhui
2023, 43(5): 612-620. doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2022.0207
Abstract(703) HTML (261) PDF 7369KB(63)
Due to the anisotropy of sapphire crystal material, the mechanical properties vary in multi-wire saw slicing based on different cutting positions. This variation leads to the deviation of the diamond wire in the vertical feed direction, resulting in the surface shape deviation of the sapphire wafers. To further investigate the influence of crystal anisotropy on the surface shape deviation of the wafer, the properties of sapphire crystal material were analyzed, and the distribution of the elastic modulus of its common crystal surfaces was calculated. By simulating the sawing force, the surface shape deviation of the wafer was calculated, and the influence of process parameters on the surface shape deviation was analyzed. The results show that the surface shape deviations of wafers cut from the C-plane, A-plane, and M-plane are not affected by the anisotropy of sapphire. A feed angle of 90° or 270° can be selected to obtain a small surface shape deviation during the slicing process of the R-plane. Additionally, reducing the specific feed rate or adopting the variable speed feed method can reduce the wafer's surface shape deviation.
Modeling of ultra-thin diamond slice and simulation of SiC wafer cutting based on Python language
HE Yan, LI Xiang, GAO Xingjun, FAN Lin, LIU Ming, XU Zicheng
2023, 43(5): 621-631. doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2003.0001
Abstract(545) HTML (285) PDF 4239KB(55)
To address issues like edge collapse and subsurface damage during the cutting process of SiC wafers, a model for cutting SiC wafers with ultra-thin diamond blades was established by combining Python language and Abaqus finite element analysis software. The effects of cutting parameters on cutting force, cutting temperature, wafer cutting edge morphology, cutting edge damage width and subsurface damage depth of wafer were studied. The results show that cutting force and cutting temperature are positively correlated with cutting depth, and there is an optimal value for the damage degree of the cutting edge and the subsurface damage depth. When the cutting depth is 6 μm, the cutting effect of SiC wafer is the best. The surface cutting edge damage width is 8 μm, the damage area is 4 905.56 μm2, the subsurface damage depth is 10.67 μm and the damage area is 7 022.18 μm2. In the high-speed cutting stage, where the cutting speed ranges from 60 to 121 m/s, cutting speed has no significant effect on cutting force, wafer temperature, wafer cutting edge morphology or subsurface damage.
Effect of dressing with form grinding wheel on grinding surface integrity of 18CrNiMo7-6 steel
GAO Wei, LI Mengqi, YIN Huipeng, ZHANG Yinxia, LIU Zhihua
2023, 43(5): 632-639. doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2022.0170
Abstract(551) HTML (360) PDF 2393KB(39)
In order to explore the influence of dressing process parameters, such as dressing depth ad, axial feed speed fd and dressing speed ratio qd, on the grinding surface integrity of 18CrNiMo7-6 gear steel, orthogonal experiments were conducted for shaping dressing process using ceramic bonded chrome corundum grinding wheels with resin bonded diamond disc wheels, bronze bonded diamond disc wheels and single particle diamond pens, respectively. The cross grinding test of 18CrNiMo7-6 gear steel was carried out with a chrome corundum wheel after dressing. The results show that the surface roughness Ra of the grinding process increased with the increase of the dressing process parameters, and residual compressive stresses were more easily obtained on the grinding surface. The comprehensive evaluation of the grinding surface integrity for the three dressing tools, using a normalized dimensionless method, shows that the grinding surface integrity of the bronze-bonded diamond disc wheel dressing is better than the other two dressing methods. Furthermore, the grinding surface integrity is better when ad=4 μm, fd=100 mm/min, and qd=0.3.
Model and experimental verification of grinding surface roughness based on acoustic emission
YIN Guoqiang, FENG Yanchun, HAN Huachao, LI Dongxu, LI Chao
2023, 43(5): 640-648. doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2022.0160
Abstract(687) HTML (337) PDF 3810KB(60)
To predict the surface roughness in the grinding process, an acoustic emission device (AE) was incorporated into the grinding process to monitor the grinding state using AE signals. The variations in AE signal characteristic parameters and frequency spectrum with respect to grinding parameters, such as grinding depth ap, grinding wheel speed vs and feed speed vw were analyzed. The results show that as ap and vw increase, the effective values and ringing count values of the AE signal's characteristic parameters both increase. The main energy concentration spectrum of the AE signal is between 90 and 140 kHz, and the corresponding spectrum amplitude shows a gradual increasing trend. With the gradual increase of vs, the effective value of AE signal characteristic parameters gradually decreases, the ringing count value gradually increases, and the spectral amplitude corresponding to the frequency band shows a gradual decreasing trend. Further data analysis reveals the corresponding relationship between AE signal characteristic parameters and machining surface roughness, providing a sample for establishing a surface roughness prediction model. The multi-information fusion algorithm, based on a BP neural network, is used to reasonably fuse various characteristic parameters of the AE signal. And the multi-information fusion prediction model for grinding surface roughness based on AE signal was established. After experimental verification, this model can predict the roughness of the ground surface in actual production.
Performance of thermal field-assisted precision lapping for single crystal sapphire wafers
XU Yongchao, SUN Jiabao, ZHAN Hao, FU Binjie, ZHAN Youji, ZHENG Tianqing
2023, 43(5): 649-656. doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2022.0203
Abstract(560) HTML (223) PDF 3087KB(36)
To address the issues of poor surface quality and low efficiency in conventional sapphire wafer lapping processing, a thermal field-assisted processing technology was proposed. The influence of thermal field-assistance on sapphire wafer lapping performance was investigated. While controlling the temperature of the processing area with a self-designed thermal field-assisted device, the lapping tests of sapphire wafers were performed under different processing area temperatures using a semi-fixed flexible machining tool. The effect of processing area temperature on lapping performance was thoroughly examined, along with the material removal mechanism. The simulation results show that the processing area can be quickly heated by a self-designed thermal field-assisted device, and the temperature difference between different areas of the wafer is less than 1.3℃. When the processing area temperature was controlled at 50℃, the surface roughness of sapphire wafers decreased by 6%, and the material removal rate (MRR) improved by nearly 114.2% compared to room temperature. The wear debris test results show that with the increase in processing area temperature during the removal process, the crystal structure of the wafer surface material changed, leading to an improved hydration reaction rate during processing and resulting in a high MRR. Thermal field-assisted precision lapping of sapphire wafers can achieve high surface quality while also increasing processing efficiency, which has a wide range of applications.