CN 41-1243/TG ISSN 1006-852X


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Comparative evaluation of the performances of single layer diamond tools in orbital drilling of composites

SULTANA Ireen SHI Zhongde ATTIA Helmi THOMSON Vincent

SULTANAIreen, 史忠德, ATTIAHelmi, THOMSONVincent. 单层金刚石工具螺旋钻削复合材料的性能比较[J]. 金刚石与磨料磨具工程, 2023, 43(3): 273-284. doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2023.1003
引用本文: SULTANAIreen, 史忠德, ATTIAHelmi, THOMSONVincent. 单层金刚石工具螺旋钻削复合材料的性能比较[J]. 金刚石与磨料磨具工程, 2023, 43(3): 273-284. doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2023.1003
SULTANA Ireen, SHI Zhongde, ATTIA Helmi, THOMSON Vincent. Comparative evaluation of the performances of single layer diamond tools in orbital drilling of composites[J]. Diamond & Abrasives Engineering, 2023, 43(3): 273-284. doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2023.1003
Citation: SULTANA Ireen, SHI Zhongde, ATTIA Helmi, THOMSON Vincent. Comparative evaluation of the performances of single layer diamond tools in orbital drilling of composites[J]. Diamond & Abrasives Engineering, 2023, 43(3): 273-284. doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2023.1003

Comparative evaluation of the performances of single layer diamond tools in orbital drilling of composites

doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2023.1003
  • 摘要: 使用不同形状、不同磨粒尺寸的单层金刚石工具以螺旋钻孔方式加工多向碳纤维-环氧树脂层压板,比较各工具的加工性能。在复合材料上钻孔时,和传统钻削相比,螺旋钻孔是更先进和完善的方法。选择7种不同工具开展性能试验,研究金刚石磨粒尺寸、刀具槽口类型和末端几何形状对钻进力、温度、钻进缺陷和表面完整性的影响。结果发现高速旋转钻削可以显著降低钻削力。使用磨粒尺寸更小的工具进行加工,可以改善钻孔表面粗糙度,但是其钻削力更大、钻削温度更高。带有槽口的工具可以减轻工具表面堵塞。和平直末端或无槽口的工具相比,球形末端的工具性能更好。


  • Figure  1.  Different cutting tools

    Figure  2.  Experimental setup

    Figure  3.  Schematic diagram of the force components

    Figure  4.  Typical force signals

    Figure  5.  Variation of FR with respect to spindle speed for axial pitch of (a) 0.5 mm (b) 1.0 mm

    Figure  6.  Variation of Fth with respect to spindle speed for axial pitch of (a) 0.5 mm (b) 1.0 mm

    Figure  7.  Peripheral resultant forces

    Figure  8.  Peripheral speed variation in ball end tools

    Figure  9.  (a) Grain spacing and (b) forces in CORE60

    Figure  10.  Thrust forces for different tools

    Figure  11.  (a) Fresh tool (b) Clogged FNF60 (c) Clogged FHF60

    Figure  12.  Optical micrograph of clogged tool end surface

    Figure  13.  Infrared imaging during drilling (N = 40,000 r/min, fO = 1,500 mm/min, and p = 1.0 mm)

    Figure  14.  Calibration curves

    Figure  15.  Variation of cutting tool temperature at exit with spindle speeds

    Figure  16.  Drilling temperatures for different cutting tools

    Figure  17.  A typical drilled hole by diamond tools (a) and its closer view (b)

    Figure  18.  Hole regions for various diamond tools

    Figure  19.  Variations of diametric deviations at axial pitch of (a) 0.5 mm and (b) 1.0 mm

    Figure  20.  Diametric deviations for different drilling tools

    Figure  21.  Variation of hole circularities for axial pitch of (a) 0.5 mm and (b) 1.0 mm

    Figure  22.  Circularity of the holes for different tool geometries

    Figure  23.  Variation of surface roughness for axial pitch of (a) 0.5 mm and (b) 1.0 mm

    Figure  24.  Surface roughness of the drilled holes

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  • 收稿日期:  2023-04-07
  • 修回日期:  2023-05-06
  • 录用日期:  2023-05-10
  • 刊出日期:  2023-06-20


