PCD tool wear in cutting SiCp/6005Al composites
- 刀具磨损 /
- PCD刀具 /
- SiCp/6005Al /
- 切削温度 /
- 表面质量
Abstract:To study the tool wear mechanism of turning SiCp/6005Al and the influence of tool wear on cutting force, cutting temperature and workpiece surface quality, cutting experiments at different speeds V and different feed speeds f were carried out. Then the tool wear morphology of each group of experimental tools after cutting was observed and the tool wear mechanism was explored by monitoring the dynamic cutting force and cutting temperature. Finally, the influence of worn tools on cutting force, cutting temperature and surface quality under different process parameters was studied. The results show that the increase of workpiece speed significantly increases the cutting temperature, but it has little effect on the cutting force. However, the increase of feed speed significantly increases the cutting force and the variation range of cutting temperature is small. The change of force load caused by changing feed speed is the main factor affecting the wear of rake face. The change of cutting temperature caused by changing the workpiece speed is the main factor affecting the flank wear. In addition, tool wear is the comprehensive result of abrasive wear and bonding wear. And it will have an adverse impact on cutting force, cutting temperature and machined surface.
Key words:
- tool wear /
- PCD tool /
- SiCp/6005Al /
- cutting temperature /
- surface quality
表 1 SiCp/6005Al的力学性能
Table 1. Mechanical properties of SiCp/6005Al
材料属性 数值 密度 ρ / (g·cm−3) 2.97 弹性模量 E / GPa 202 抗弯强度 σb / MPa 362 热导率 k / (W·m−1·K−1) 214 扩散系数 α / (mm−2·s) 94.3 比热容 Cp / (J·g−1·K−1) 0.848 热膨胀系数 β / (10−6·℃−1) 6.21 表 2 6005Al合金主要化学成分
Table 2. Main chemical constituents of 6005Al alloy
元素 质量分数 ω / % 铜 0.3 锰 0.5 镁 0.4~0.7 锌 0.2 铝 余量 表 3 试验参数
Table 3. Experimental parameters
切削参数 数值 转速 V / (r·min−1) 500, 800, 1 100, 1 400 进给速度 f / (mm·r−1) 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.10 切削深度 ap / mm 0.03 -
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