Preparation of vitrified bond diamond wheel based on Bi2O3-B2O3 glass system and its grinding performance on monocrystalline silicon
摘要: 针对陶瓷结合剂烧结温度高的问题,提出一种基于Bi2O3-B2O3的新型低温陶瓷结合剂。分析添加纳米SiC和纳米ZrO2对结合剂物相组成、流动性和力学性能的影响,并探索添加核桃壳粉造孔剂对金刚石砂轮微观形貌的影响;制备基于Bi2O3-B2O3体系的陶瓷结合剂金刚石杯形砂轮,测试其对单晶硅晶圆片的磨削性能。结果表明:添加纳米SiC会导致陶瓷结合剂中出现一定量的Bi单质,破坏结合剂的[BiO4]玻璃网络;添加纳米SiC及纳米ZrO2后,结合剂的流动性降低;随烧结温度上升,结合剂的流动性、抗弯强度和硬度有增大的趋势,在560 ℃烧结时结合剂的抗弯强度和硬度达到最大。随着造孔剂含量的增大,砂轮中大气孔的数量显著增多、尺寸显著增大。在砂轮线速度为12.56 m/s,工件转速为5.23 m/s,进给速度为0.1 μm/s条件下,使用以M10/20金刚石(粒度号为800目)制备的砂轮磨削加工单晶硅晶圆片,其磨削比为790,表面粗糙度为0.16 μm。
- 陶瓷结合剂金刚石砂轮 /
- 单晶硅晶圆片 /
- 力学性能 /
- 磨削性能
Abstract: To solve the problem of high sintering temperature of vitrified bond, a novel low- temperature vitrified bond based on Bi2O3-B2O3 glass system was proposed. The effect of nano-SiC and nano-ZrO2 on the phase composition, fluidity and mechanical properties of the vitrified bond were analyzed. Additionally, the effect of adding walnut shell powder as a pore-forming agent on the microstructure of the vitrified bond diamond grinding wheel was explored. A vitrified bond diamond cup grinding wheel based on Bi2O3-B2O3 glass system was prepared, and its grinding performance on monocrystalline silicon wafer was tested. The results show that adding nano-SiC powder leads to the formation of Bi in the vitrified bond and destroys the [BiO4] glass network of vitrified bond. The fluidity of the vitrified bond decreases with the addition of nano-SiC and nano- ZrO2. Furthermore, the fluidity, flexural strength and hardness of the vitrified bond increase as the sintering temperature increases. The flexural strength and the hardness of the vitrified bond reach to their highest value at 560 ℃. With the increase of the content of the pore-forming agent, the amount of large pores in the grinding wheel increases significantly and the size becomes larger. The prepared Bi2O3-B2O3 vitrified bond diamond cup grinding wheel (800 mesh or M10/20) was used to grind monocrystalline silicon wafer under specific conditions (linear speed: 12.56 m/s, workpiece speed: 5.23 m/s, and feed speed: 0.1 μm/s). The grinding ratio reaches 790, and the surface roughness of the monocrystalline silicon wafer is 0.16 μm. -
表 1 Bi2O3-B2O3陶瓷结合剂成分
Table 1. Composition of Bi2O3-B2O3 vitrified bond
编号 Bi2O3
N1 / %B2O3
N2 / %SiO2
N3 / %Al2O3
N4 / %额外添加
(质量分数)A1 40 40 10 10 无 A2 40 40 10 10 5%纳米SiC
(100 nm)A3 40 40 10 10 5%纳米ZrO
(100 nm)2表 2 陶瓷结合剂金刚石砂轮配方
Table 2. Formula of vitrified bond diamond grinding wheel
序号 金刚石
wd / %绿碳化硅
ws / %结合剂
wb / %造孔剂
wp / %1 35 35 29 1 2 35 34 29 2 3 35 33 29 3 -
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