In order to increase the manufacturing efficiency and improve the surface integrity of K4125 nickel-based superalloy, the grinding method with alumina abrasive wheel was studied. The wear mechanism of the grinding wheel was investigated based on step grinding method. The results indicate that the grinding force ratio increases by 70.3% to 10.9 when the specific material removal volume increased from 100 mm
3/mm to 125 mm
3/mm. In addition, severe grinding chip adhesion occurs during this process, while the radial wear volume of alumina abrasive wheel increases rapidly from 18 μm to 25 μm. It is the severe wear stage. The attrition wear stage increases due to the grinding chip which formed due to the chemical reaction between the grains and workpiece. The grinding ability decreases rapidly. As a consequence, the service life of the alumina abrasive wheel is optimized as 100 mm