CN 41-1243/TG ISSN 1006-852X


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陈斯睿 孙兴伟 杨赫然 刘寅

陈斯睿, 孙兴伟, 杨赫然, 刘寅. 砂带磨损对螺杆转子磨削去除深度影响分析[J]. 金刚石与磨料磨具工程, 2024, 44(2): 228-236. doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2023.0094
引用本文: 陈斯睿, 孙兴伟, 杨赫然, 刘寅. 砂带磨损对螺杆转子磨削去除深度影响分析[J]. 金刚石与磨料磨具工程, 2024, 44(2): 228-236. doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2023.0094
CHEN Sirui, SUN Xingwei, YANG Heran, LIU Yin. Analysis of the influence of abrasive belt wear on the removal depth of grinding screw rotor[J]. Diamond & Abrasives Engineering, 2024, 44(2): 228-236. doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2023.0094
Citation: CHEN Sirui, SUN Xingwei, YANG Heran, LIU Yin. Analysis of the influence of abrasive belt wear on the removal depth of grinding screw rotor[J]. Diamond & Abrasives Engineering, 2024, 44(2): 228-236. doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2023.0094


doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2023.0094
基金项目: 辽宁省应用基础研究计划项目(2022JH2/101300214);2022年度辽宁省教育厅高等学校基本科研项目面上项目(LJKMZ20220459)。




  • 中图分类号: TG70;TG580

Analysis of the influence of abrasive belt wear on the removal depth of grinding screw rotor

  • 摘要: 为保证螺杆转子表面磨削加工材料去除的均匀性,考虑砂带磨料磨损对磨削去除深度的影响,建立螺杆转子材料去除深度数学模型。根据弹塑性变形理论,结合磨削过程中磨粒的磨损规律,建立单颗磨粒材料去除率理论模型。将磨粒的磨损分为快速磨损阶段和稳定磨损阶段2个阶段。基于单位接触面积上磨粒的数目和磨粒的出刃规律,运用数值积分和接触压力计算出磨粒的最大切削深度,利用积分建立基于砂带磨损的宏观材料去除率数学模型。该数学模型考虑了砂带的磨损,其预测值和试验值相比,最大误差为9.6%,最小误差为4.1%。该试验数据充分验证了模型的有效性,可以为保障螺杆转子廓形精度提供理论基础。


  • 图  1  单磨粒材料去除机理图

    Figure  1.  Removal mechanism of single abrasive material

    图  2  砂带磨粒简图

    Figure  2.  Schematic diagram of abrasive belt particles

    图  3  磨粒磨损高度示意图

    Figure  3.  Schematic diagram of abrasive wear of sand belt

    图  4  超景深显微镜测量界面

    Figure  4.  Measurement interface of ultra-depth of field microscope

    图  5  未磨损砂带表面图像

    Figure  5.  Digital image of unworn sand belt

    图  6  磨损后砂带表面图像

    Figure  6.  Digital image of the worn sand belt

    图  7  砂带平均高度随时间变化关系

    Figure  7.  Relationship between the average height of the sand belt and time

    图  8  磨削时螺杆转子表面粗糙度

    Figure  8.  Surface roughness of screw rotor during grinding

    图  9  接触轮与螺杆转子间的接触压力分布

    Figure  9.  Contact pressure distribution between contact wheel and screw rotor

    图  10  顶端半径10 μm的单颗磨粒磨削仿真结果

    Figure  10.  Simulation results of single abrasive grinding with a top radius of 10 μm

    图  11  顶端半径30 μm的单颗磨粒磨削仿真结果

    Figure  11.  Simulation results of single abrasive grinding with a top radius of 30 μm

    图  12  顶端半径55 μm的单颗磨粒磨削仿真结果

    Figure  12.  Simulation results of single abrasive grinding with a top radius of 55 μm

    图  13  不同圆顶半径磨粒的磨削力曲线

    Figure  13.  Grinding force curves of abrasive particles with different top radius

    图  14  单颗磨粒与工件作用示意图

    Figure  14.  Action diagram of single abrasive particle and workpiece

    图  15  磨粒出刃高度及与工件表面作用图

    Figure  15.  The height of abrasive edge and its action with workpiece surface

    图  16  磨粒的出刃高度

    Figure  16.  Edge height of abrasive particles

    图  17  磨粒的微观材料去除

    Figure  17.  Microscopic material removal of abrasive particles

    图  18  砂带磨削螺杆转子材料去除量求解流程

    Figure  18.  Flow chart of solving material removal amount of screw rotor in abrasive belt grinding

    图  19  测量试验现场

    Figure  19.  Measurement experiment site

    表  1  砂带类型及属性

    Table  1.   Types and properties of sand belts

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    表  2  材料属性表

    Table  2.   Material attribute table

    组成部分 密度
    ρ / (kg·m−3)
    弹性模量 E /
    泊松比 μ 比热容
    c / (J·kg−1·K−1)
    a /(10−6·K−1)
    螺杆转子 7 850 210 000 0.28 556 13
    接触轮 1 150 1 000 0.49 670 670
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    表  3  螺杆截面数据点

    Table  3.   screw cross section data points

    序列 X轴坐标 Y轴坐标
    1 98.067 0 87.502 1
    2 99.009 0 86.136 7
    3 99.951 2 84.576 2
    4 100.736 2 82.820 7
    48 127.899 4 63.900 0
    49 129.155 6 62.729 7
    50 130.725 8 60.779 1
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    表  4  材料去除深度试验值与理论值对比

    Table  4.   Comparison between experimental and theoretical values of material removal depth

    编号 线速度Vs /
    接触压力p/MPa 磨削时间t / min 进给速度Vf /
    测量值h1 /μm 计算值h2 /μm 误差s/%
    1 10.0 0.45 5 40 60.4 57.9 4.1
    2 5.0 0.60 10 40 33.8 30.8 8.9
    3 12.5 0.40 15 40 26.1 28.5 9.2
    4 10.0 0.50 20 40 29.1 26.3 9.6
    5 7.5 0.35 5 40 48.1 44.3 7.9
    6 12.5 0.45 15 40 47.4 44.5 6.1
    7 7.5 0.50 5 40 66.2 61.3 7.4
    8 10.0 0.35 10 40 55.4 50.1 9.6
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