Experimental study on creep-feed grinding burn of DD9 Nickel-based single crystal superalloy
针对第三代单晶高温合金DD9磨削烧伤问题,设计三因素五水平实验,从表面形貌、显微硬度和显微组织等角度出发,研究磨削工艺参数对烧伤的影响规律。结果表明:当工件进给速度小于等于250 mm/min时,磨削表面粗糙度Ra在0.8 μm左右小幅度变化,表面质量较好;当工件进给速度大于250 mm/min,磨削深度超过1.0 mm后,磨削区域温度急剧上升,磨削纹路被破坏,出现涂覆、凹坑等磨削缺陷,工件表面发生烧伤;DD9合金缓进给磨削工件表面及表层均表现为加工硬化,显微硬度为400~600 HV,硬化层深度在50~110 μm,塑性变形层厚度为1~10 μm。推荐的DD9磨削工艺参数组合为:砂轮线速度vs=20 m/s,进给速度vw=250 mm/min,磨削深度ap=0.6 mm。
Abstract:Aiming at the problem of grinding burns on the third-generation single crystal superalloy DD9, a three-factor and five-level experiment is designed in this paper. From the perspectives of surface morphology, microhardness and microstructure, the effect of grinding process parameters on grinding burns are studied. The experimental results show that: when the workpiece feed speed is less than 250 mm/min, the grinding surface roughness Ra changes slightly around 0.8 μm, and the surface quality is good. When the feed speed is more than 250 mm/min and the grinding depth is more than 1.0 mm, the temperature in the grinding area rises sharply, the grinding lines are destroyed, grinding defects such as coating and pits appear, and the surface of the workpiece burns. The surface and surface of DD9 alloy are work hardened by slow feed grinding. The microhardness range is 400 to 600 HV, the depth of hardened layer is 50 to 110 μm, and the thickness range of plastic deformation layer is 1 to 10 μm. The recommended combination of DD9 grinding process parameters is: grinding wheel linear velocity vs=20 m/s, feed speed vw=250 mm/min, grinding depth ap=0.6 mm.
Key words:
- DD9 /
- grinding burn /
- surface roughness /
- microhardness /
- microstructure
表 1 三因素五水平实验表
Table 1. Three-factor five-level experiment table
水平 因素 砂轮线速度
vs / (m·s-1)工件进给速度
vw / (mm·min-1)磨削深度
ap / mm−2 10 50 0.2 −1 15 150 0.6 0 20 250 1.0 1 25 350 1.4 2 30 450 1.8 表 2 烧伤与未烧伤DD9合金磨削表面元素含量对比(元素质量分数 ω / %)
Table 2. Comparison of element content on the ground surface of burnt and unburned DD9 alloys (element mass fraction ω / %)
元素 未烧伤表面 轻度烧伤表面 严重烧伤表面 Ni 67.3 59.9 57.6 O 0.1 5.3 5.7 C 1.7 1.6 3.0 Al 4.9 4.6 4.7 Cr 3.4 3.0 2.8 Co 7.2 6.9 7.7 其他 15.4 18.7 18.5 -
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